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The tactic that will be employed against those Cabrons...

The kick stack is typically meant for all russians, and the "spam-and-run" type of trollers. NOPD has a similar stack as well, so it is not certain who had the idea first, them or SWAT.

The kick stack also incorporates a User Says Keyword Trigger, which will be set to part of what the spammer is spamming.

Permission has been obtained from Ma'am Rylie for it:


I will not be gentle with trolls (Those who dances, spams, or tries to raid, or disrupt SWAT operations in anyway), though.

Ex-SWAT members who clearly know the rules, but still decides to break them, for example dancing, will be either kicked or given a one-hour ban.

Spammers will be muted for 10 minutes at least.

I also hereby apologize to both litleboo and General-obrien for grouping you with the Russians, without looking at your reasons properly.